Please allow 2-3 days after the request is submitted for processing
Contact with questions
Steam Cart Safety
Keep all sides of the steam cart latched and upright when loading plant material.
Use proper lifting techniques when loading plant material.
Use push carts to move plant material from the greenhouse rooms to the steam cart.
Be cautious of pinching and metal edges when working around the steam cart.
Do not move steam carts after they are dropped off.
Do not climb on or inside the steam cart for any reason. Ask PCF Staff for a small step ladder.
Transgenic Steam Cart Guidelines
Steam carts should be used for transgenic vegetative plant material only.
Flowers, seeds, or diseased/infested materials should not be loaded into the steam carts, autoclave bags should be used instead for these materials.
Users should clean up transgenic plant material that falls out of the cart.
Users should clean up transgenic plant material in the hallways during transport from the greenhouse room to the steam cart.
Do not overfill the carts with plant material above the top of the metal sides.
A second cart can be requested by contacting
Scheduling Pickup
When done loading the steam cart email for pickup.
Trangenic material should not sit in the steam carts for an extended period.