Service Charges and Rates

PCF Service Charges for space and associated services are based on the bench space assigned to a greenhouse project. Supplies and soil orders are charged separately per item. Specific charges for our internal customers are listed in the table below for FY24 starting June 30, 2023.

Service TypeMonthly Estimate (based on 30 days, price/ sq. ft.)Daily (price/sq. ft.)
Growth Chamber
*flat fee
$408.90/ 30 days$13.63 / day
* Charges are per square foot growing space / month calculated for the time period the project occupies the greenhouse

Notes: Service rates were reviewed by the Office of Governmental Costing-OBFS as of June 30, 2022. The lowest rate charged for use of the greenhouses will be .69/sq. ft. bench/month as part of the basic space fee. The highest rate of .94/sq. ft. growing space/month includes space, labor, and supplemental lighting. Users may elect to add or remove labor or supplemental lighting services based on individual project needs or changes during the course of the project.

External customers may contact the Plant Care Facility Assistant Director to inquire about greenhouse space and learn more about our services and external rates.